בואו לחקור את האיחוד האירופי!

האם אתה מעוניין לברר מידע נוסף על האיחוד האירופי (EU) - היחידה הזו היא בשבילך! ביחידה תלמיד מהו האיחוד האירופי, מהם הערכים שלו, מי עושה מה באיחוד האירופי ואיך כל זה רלוונטי לחיי היומיום שלך, אם אתה חי או תחיה מתי שהוא (בזמן כלשהו) במדינה אירופאית!


חימום StarStar

האיחוד האירופי הוא שותפות בין מדינות באירופה, המכונה מדינות חברות. יחד המדינות השותפות באיחוד האירופי מכסות חלק גדול מיבשת אירופה. האיחוד האירופי הוא ביתם של למעלה מ-446 מיליון בני אדם, המקבילים לכ-6% מאוכלוסיית העולם.


למידה StarStar

מי חבר באיחוד האירופי?

עיין ברשימת הדגלים ושמות המדינות בצד ימין. כולם אירופאים אבל לא כולם שייכים לאיחוד האירופי. מהרשימה, זהה מי כן.

העמקה 1 StarStar

What the EU’s values and principles mean in practice.

Discuss with your buddy what you think a country must do and should never do if it wants to be part of the EU.

העמקה 2 StarStarStar

Who does what in the EU? Put a cross with your buddy in the box

That was a lot of institutional background to take in! However, it is important to understand what so-called Brussels actually is and who is responsible for what in the EU. Take the test below to see how much you remember. Put a cross in the box against the institution(s) that match(es) the description.

העמקה 3 StarStar

A common currency in 19 EU countries: the euro

Euro banknotes and coins were introduced in 12 EU countries in 2002, and 19 have now replaced their national currencies with the euro. More than 340 million EU citizens, i.e. 75 % of all EU citizens, use the euro on a daily
basis. There are a number of advantages in using a common currency in a single market where people from different countries trade together. Consumers can compare prices more easily at home, abroad and online. Companies can calculate and charge customers in one currency and are not at risk of exchange rate fluctuations, and getting rid of transaction costs keeps prices stable.


Euro coins have a common side that portrays a map of Europe, but on the other side each country has its own design. Do you recognise the symbol on this €2 coin? Can you guess where it comes from?



The table below lists all 27 EU countries. Tick the 19 that are in the ‘euro area’ and use the euro as their currency.

העמקה 4 StarStarStar

Free movement of goods, services and capital in the EU

Thanks to the EU’s single market, it is not only people who can move around freely in the EU, but also goods, services and capital. ‘Capital’ does not only mean ‘money’. It also includes investments, loans and credit, and other operations with financial institutions such as legacies and endowments. This makes it easier for EU businesses to operate in more than one country, and to compete globally. Whatever their size, companies have access to the national markets of all EU countries and to around 446 million potential customers. Why does this benefit you as well? Because greater competition leads to lower prices as well as a wider choice of products and services.


Match the examples to the four aspects of the single market (free movement of people, goods, services and capital) and tick the appropriate box.

יצירה 1 StarStarStar

Did you know?

Seeking asylum is a fundamental right within the EU. EU countries have an international obligation to grant asylum under the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. 

A refugee is a person who is fleeing his or her home country and who cannot return due to a well-founded fear of persecution. 

An asylum seeker is someone who says he or she is a refugee and who has made an application for international protection, but whose claim has not yet been definitively evaluated. 

Discuss with your buddy why the EU can help refugees and asylum seekers and how that can be done. Grab a piece of paper and draw/write your ideas on it. 


Share with the other buddy-teams!

אם אתם רוצים שהתוכן יהיה בגלריית KIDS4ALLL, בקשו מהמחנך להעלות אותו לאזור עשו.זאת. (work.it)

יצירה 2 StarStarStar

You already read about the values of the EU: 

  •  respect for human dignity
  •  freedom
  •  democracy
  •  equality
  •  the rule of law
  •  human rights
  • ...

With your buddy discuss: 

  • What does each of these values mean to you? What does ‘respect for human dignity’ mean in real life? Give examples.
  • Which value is most important to each of you? 
  • Are these values respected in your countries? How?

If you do not know the answer to the last question, do some research, make a survey and ask your teachers/parents/friends.

Have your results uploaded in the work.it area!

מהרהרים Star

What was the thing you found the most important in this unit? Does the EU appear in your daily life? How?

Create a postcard showing this point.

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