השפות האירופאיות

האם אתם מודעים לכל השפות והניבים המדוברים בסביבה שלכם? לימדו את היחידה הזו ותכירו שפות שמדוברות רחוק וקרוב, ולגלות את הקשרים והדמיון ביניהן!

חימום StarStar

בואו נתחיל בחידון!


למידה StarStarStar

European languages are part of different language families, though most of them are Indo-European.

  • Think of the languages you speak: what language family/families are they part of? 
  • Share with your buddy your assumptions and check in the graphic if you were right! 
  • When you open the illustration, don’t miss the chance to discover all other language families!

Tipp: In case you don’t find your language, search in reliable on-line sources.

העמקה 1 StarStar

Check now the map: how are languages in Europe distributed? 

Check the legend here!

Compare it with the political map of Europe and discuss similarities and differences. 

How have borders affected languages: is there a direct correlation between border changes and language changes?


העמקה 2 StarStar

Are you curious to hear some/ all the 24 official Languages of Europe and see if you recognize similarities among languages which are part of the same family? 

Go here, click always on the audio-button and also on all three symbols in the middle (dialogue, phrases, numbers). 

Decide what you want to learn, for example

  • your favourite number in 3 different languages


  • one sentence in a language you both don’t know


Then check this picture: it shows how you say 2 in numerous indo-european languages!


What did you observe and what has impressed you? 

Share your thoughts with your buddy! 


Now check this picture, where you find examples of so-called “false cognates”, pairs of words that seem related, but are not!

What has surprised you? Share your thoughts with your buddy!


יצירה StarStarStar

Respect for cultural, religious and linguistic diversity is enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The presence of linguistic diversity must be ensured in all societal domains, such as justice, administration, media, culture, education, economic and social life. Two examples: 

  • a state can choose to make it possible either

    •  to learn school subjects using this language or

    •  to learn the minority language as a school subject.

  •  a state is obliged to provide for the teaching in/of the minority language at all levels of education.

How is the situation in your area?

Make a research with your buddy about 

  • What minority languages are traditionally spoken in your area and what dialects?

  • What further languages are present today in your area?

  • Are they protected? How?

Choose together one language/dialect you are both interested about and observe 

Present your results in a live presentation, a podcast or a video or write a post or write a letter to the local newspaper. 

***Do it in the minority language/dialect you focus on or at least use some of its words.*** 

Tip: If you are not a speaker of the language/dialect you chose, get in contact with speakers of that minority language/dialect and get their help!​

אם אתם רוצים שהתוכן יהיה בגלריית KIDS4ALLL, בקשו מהמחנך להעלות אותו לאזור עשו.זאת. (work.it)

מהרהרים StarStar

Do you think it is important that people continue to speak the dialects and languages they might know and that even more people learn and use them?

Share your thoughts with your buddy and make a postcard together!

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