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The purpose of KIDS4ALLL e-learning platform is to provide OER to children, adolescents and young adults as well as to teachers and educators.
KIDS4ALLL project has been granted (Grant Agreement No. 101004807) in the frame of the Horizon2020 Work Program SC6 entitled ‘Europe in a Changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’ and with particular reference to topic 5 that focused on integration challenges of migrant children in educational contexts. It aims to strengthen and valorise transcultural, interdisciplinary skill sets in a highly diversified learner population, that increasingly corroborates the actual necessity for lifelong learning. KIDS4ALLL Learning Environment is the result of the work done by all Consortium Partners in the framework of Work Package 3 “Sharing solutions: Concept and content development” and Work Package 4 “From theory towards innovative practices: tools development”, leaded by Luisa Conti (didactical concept and content), University of Jena, and Silvia Amici (technical concept and development), Ars Media.