About KIDS4ALLL and Its Learning Environment

KIDS4ALLL Learning Environment is the output of the international project of the same name, granted as Innovation Action as part of the Horizon2020 Work Program ‘Europe in a Changing world – inclusive, innovative and reflective societies’. The project aims to smoothen the challenges that migrant children encounter in educational contexts through key inclusive strategies which benefit all children and therefore the whole community.

What are its key inclusive strategies?

KIDS4ALLL fosters the development of the eight key competences for lifelong learning "essential to citizens for personal fulfilment, a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, employability, active citizenship and social inclusion" (EU Council).

KIDS4ALLL combines lifelong learning with peer-learning and builds on the proven benefits of the buddy-system. This way learning becomes more appealing and the project offers a chance to bring people together, breaking isolation and segregation.

KIDS4ALLL fosters the self-determination' of the young people involved: they are invited to share their knowledge, to follow their interests, to create their own contents. By doing so they develop key skills for life, such as team-work and project-management.

KIDS4ALLL considers also the challenges which teachers and educators face nowadays and offers them input to make their own pedagogic work more inclusive.

KIDS4ALLL takes learning out of school. Learning is an adventure you go for because you want to, because it is fun and there is much you want to find out about. No matter if you are at school or outside: this adventure takes place wherever someone unpacks the tools.

KIDS4ALLL is multilingual. This allows equal access to the tools for speakers of various languages, including newcomers and their parents. It also offers the chance to everyone to improve their own language skills!

KIDS4ALLL fosters community building. The buddy-system brings young people together and the activities offer numerous opportunities to involve families and the local community. Through sharing contents on the online platform an international community is created.

Who Is It For?

The Learning Environment consists of

  • this e-learning platform
  • a handbook: a compact version of the platform
  • an app: a tool to create postcards mixing images and text.

All tools are free to use for anyone interested, though they have been specifically created to reach:

  1. young people in the lower and upper secondary education (ISCED 2 and 3), i.e. young people around the age of 10-19. We refer to them sometimes as students, even if they might be involved in KIDS4ALLL in non-formal / informal educational contexts, sometimes as kids, even if some of them are older than usual 'kids', learners, even if also educators and teachers are themselves learners, buddy-teams, even if also educators and teachers are invited to work in buddy-teams! Anyways, now you know who we are talking about: the young people you work with!
  2. you, that is: professionals who work with young people in formal, non-formal and informal educational settings. We refer to you as educators, sometimes as teachers and educators.

The project also has two indirect target groups:

  1. families and local communities: they might themselves browse the platform and use the app, they might get involved by their children as requested in the activity they are doing, they might even get invited by you to see the outputs their kids created, inspired by KIDS4ALLL.
  2. younger children: your buddy-teams might want to prepare contents for them! The work.it area is therefore a space which sooner or later will have content for children under 10.

What about this e-learning platform?

The KIDS4ALLL e-learning platform is organised in two parts: one is for you, the other one is for the students. Every part is organised in three areas: know.what area, where you find learning units for you/the kids; know.how area, where you find tutorials created for you/your learners; work.it area, where the contents are created by educators/students themselves.

Let's Start with the Part Dedicated to the Students: Learn & Enjoy!
know.what – input & fun

In the know.what area the kids get the chance to improve their literacy competence, multilingual competence, digital competence, citizenship competence, cultural awareness and expression competence, personal, social and learning to learn competence, entrepreneurship competence, mathematical competence and competence in science, technology and engineering.

Every competence is organised in learning units, called: units. Every unit deals with a different topic.

The units are designed for buddy-teams. That means that the kids will benefit the most, if they explore them with a buddy.

Every unit is organised in four parts:

  1. Warm-up: the learners get curious about the topic, they activate potential prior knowledge;
  2. Learn: they get input through one or more interactive activities.
  3. Create: they get ideas for creating their own content.
  4. Reflect: they get the chance to reflect on their learning gains.

Towards the end of every unit they are invited to create a postcard together, in which they summarise in a creative way some impressions related to the unit. There are 2 ways to create a postcard:

  1. The buddy team creates it with the KIDS4ALLL app, which works also offline
  2. The buddy team shares with you a picture and a short text. You will upload their image and insert the text for them.

For safety reasons just teachers and educators can upload postcards and further content to the platform.
In order to help the buddy-teams uploading and sharing their material with the KIDS4ALLL community, create your own account and you will be able to log in.

know.how – tips & tricks
In addition to the contents which they produce within the units they can also create their own project.
In the know-how area students learn how to deal efficiently, consciously and responsibly with content production and content sharing: how to respect and protect intellectual property rights and privacy, how to be a good team-player, how to create and manage a project, how to prepare and present their content. Invite the kids to watch the tutorials before starting their own creative project!
work.it – DIY & DIT
The kids' contents will be collected in the work.it area. Remember, you will be the one to upload the materials for them, but first you must create your account and log in to the site with your credentials.
In this area they can learn with the contents uploaded by other buddy-teams in their same country or in others!
And Now, All You Need to Know about the Part Dedicated to You: Tools for Facilitation!

know.what area – theory & practice
In the know.what area you find content that we have prepared to facilitate and inspire your pedagogic work during the KIDS4ALLL activities and beyond.

This area is organised in three competence fields: collaborative learning; dialogic and intercultural competences; socio-emotional skills and global competences.

Every competence field is organised in learning units and every unit is composed of the following parts:

  1. Warm-up: you get into the topic;
  2. Learn: you get input and related task(s).
  3. Transfer: you get ideas for activities you can do with the kids.
  4. Reflect: you get the chance to reflect on your learning gains.

You can go through the units alone, but if you do it with a buddy you will benefit even more!

Consider this area as a resource at your disposal: you can take what you need and train yourself, alone, with a colleague or with a whole group, for example with your work team!

know.how area – design & support
In the know.how area you get inspiration and suggestions for designing your KIDS4ALLL activities and for supporting your buddy-teams to efficiently, consciously and responsibly deal with content production and content sharing.
The contents are organised in 10 tutorials. Watch them and use what you need!
work.it area – good practices & lessons learned
In the work.it area teachers and educators can share their best practices inspired by KIDS4ALLL together with their reflections on their lessons learned.

Create your account

Do you want to get full access to the platform? Register now!
Once you can log-in, you can upload the contents created by the kids and share your experiences with the KIDS4ALLL community.