know.what – input & fun

What would you like to discover today? What would you like to get smarter about?
deals with the skills and abilities people need to communicate appropriately in different contexts and through different media.
deals with language learning as an opportunity and a challenge. It gives you tips to make language learning easier and suggestions to benefit from multilingualism.
deals with the ability to use media in a critical and conscious way, in order to take advantage of their benefits without incur risks.
Personal, social and learning-to-learn
Personal, social and learning-to-learn
deals with well-being, alone and in a group, online and offline, but also with the human capacity to always learn new things, consciously or unconsciously.
Cultural awareness and expression
Cultural awareness and expression
deals with art, creativity, similarities and differences, identity, change of perspective, expression, interculturality and offers a lot of space to get creative yourself.
deals with environmental protection, human rights and children's rights, sustainability, the fight against discrimination, gender, migration and many other exciting issues.
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics
deals with the reality around us and the ability to understand its logic and its power.
deals with your business ideas and helps you to expand and develop them. It also covers communication, costs and benefits, human resources, finance and market gaps.