Intercultural dimension in music

Music is such a great part of life, isn't it? Have you ever wondered how it is created and how it is influenced by different places and cultures? Let's discover more about music from different and new perspectives...

Warm up Star

Before we get started let’s get an idea about music.

Discuss with your buddy and decide about the answers to the following questions.

Learn StarStar

Now, let’s learn more about music as expression and bond for people! 

Is music able to help us learn a bit more about other people and understand them better?

Read the presentation with your buddy and explore the role and meaning of music for human relations and communication!

Dive in 1 Star

Now it’s time to get active!

Step 1

Use your hands, feet and mouth to make sounds.

 It can be embarrassing in the beginning… but if you overcome these first moments you will have great fun!

Step 2

Try to put some of these sounds together to create a pattern of sounds! 

Step 3

With your buddy look around you and check: are there any materials that you can use to enrich your pattern?

Step 4

Now, record the pattern and listen to it a couple of times. Each of you write down 3 characteristics of your joint pattern.

Done? Share your comments and discuss if it has similarities to any other song or music style you have heard.

Dive in 2 StarStar

Now, share with your buddy your knowledge on music from different times and places.

What were and are people dancing all around the world? 

Make a brainstorming together, write down all those dances which come to your mind!


Then discuss: what different purposes serve different kinds of dancing music?

Can you also find 3 elements that you think are common in all dance songs regardless of whether they have lyrics or not and despite the language of their lyrics?

Create 1 StarStar

With your buddy choose a special occasion (e.g. New Year’s Eve, a traditional celebration) and discuss on how you and different people you know celebrate it.

If you were invited to your buddy’s celebration, you would certainly feel the celebrating vibe! Why do you think that happens? Discuss with your buddy.

Tip: Check again the presentation if no ideas come to your mind! 

With your buddy decide together and write down 3 common reasons.

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Create 2 Star

Ask each other what kind of music you like and what you feel when listening to it in your everyday life.

On a piece of paper make a list of your 3 favorite rhythms, songs, singers or music bands that you prefer to listen to when celebrating. Then compare it with your buddy’s list.

Discuss your lists. Is there anything in common? Do you have anything that the other doesn’t have? Listen to it together!

Create 3 Star

And now, it’s time to create some music yourselves!

With real instruments or improvised ones, that doesn’t matter! Just make sounds, though try to listen to each other… and if you feel like it you can even start singing or rapping!

Reflect StarStar

Music is an universal language.

Share your thoughts with your buddy, but also with your family or other people close to you: what examples come to your and their mind? 

Save some of your thoughts on your postcard!

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