Healthy lifestyle

Small actions can change everything! They become habits and affect the health of our minds and bodies. The good news is that you can choose your actions!

Warm up StarStar

Before diving into the learning unit, test your knowledge together with your buddy: scroll down the page and take the quiz!

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Now watch the video and read the text!


Small choices become actions,

actions become habits,

and habits become our way of life


So, what will YOU choose?

Dive in 1 Star

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being.

The following factors can affect personal health:

  • diet
  • physical exercise
  • adequate sleep
  • mental health awareness.

One's habits and everyday choices can shape their lives and affect their well-being. 

Think about your own habits and choices! Do you have anything you would like to change?

Together with your buddy, list at least 5 things that you could do to improve your well-being!

Dive in 2 StarStar

Click here and read the recommendations on following a healthy lifestyle and a healthy diet!

Dive in 3 Star

Now that you have learnt about healthy lifestyles, try to categorise the following foods, together with your buddy.

Dive in 4 Star

What do you think?

Decide which answer to tick… and if you don’t agree on something, explain your reasons and come up with a solution together with your buddy!

Create 1 StarStar

Step 1

Along with your buddy, put together a menu including meals for a day by referring to what you have learnt about following a healthy diet! 

Breakfast: ________________________________________

Lunch: ___________________________________________

Dinner: __________________________________________

Snacks: __________________________________________

Step 2

Team up with other buddy teams, discuss your daily meals and create a menu of meals for a week!


Tip: Think about meals you usually consume! This will be a great experience for everyone as they acquire new ideas of meals to plan.

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Create 2 StarStar

Click here and watch the movements being presented! Try this out! Stand up and try to follow these stretching exercises!

Create 3 Star

Make your voice heard!

What was the most interesting thing you learnt in this unit? Share it with others by creating a postcard with your buddy.

Reflect Star

How did you feel during this activity? 

Discuss this with your buddy and exchange ideas.

Now answer the following question: 

Is there any new habit you would like to adopt? Which one is it? Create a postcard about it and have it uploaded!

Download the free KIDS4ALLL app and your wish comes true!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.

Discover more

And now, what do you want to learn more about?

Move to another unit