When art sneaks out of museums…

Explore your neighbourhood and look for street art! You will discover where you can find it, talk to residents, try to figure out the motifs behind the art and possibly understand your neighbourhood a little better.

Warm up Star

What do you consider ‘street art’?

Discuss together with your buddy.

Start two mind maps, one with the word “street” in the middle and one with the word “art” in the middle. Add words or expressions that you connect with those two words all around them and start to create a network of words. Are the mind maps crossing somewhere?

Learn Star

Ready to discover your neighbourhood from a different perspective? Let’s go!

Dive in 1 StarStarStar

With your buddy, try to find a map of your neighbourhood to take with you and go out to look around. 

Look for drawings, paintings, graffiti, stickers… on walls, trash cans, billboards…

Step 1

Keep track of your findings! Count how many pieces you see and mark their location on the map. If you cannot find a map of your neighbourhood, write down the location on a piece of paper (street, name of the building…). 

Step 2

Are there parts of your neighbourhood in which there is a lot of street art? Are there also places in which there is little or no street art at all?

Step 3

Can you identify a link between the building/street and the presence of street art on their facades? Find possible explanations!

Dive in 2 StarStar

With your buddy, interview passers-by and residents of the neighbourhood about what they think of street art/graffiti in public spaces.

You can also ask your friends or your family what they think of the art displayed in the streets.

If you want, and the interviewees agree, you can record their answers. You can also just take notes of the answers.

Dive in 3 StarStar

Street Art in Social Media Spaces

Step 1

Find sites on the Internet dedicated to street art. Do you recognise any of the street art works on these websites? Do some have a similar style as the ones you know?

Step 2

Are there street artists from your neighbourhood, who record the creation of their art on the Internet - similar to the famous graffiti artist Banksy from London?

Create 1 StarStar

Make a leaflet, a post, a podcast or a video on the street art of your neighborhood!

Step 1

Choose with your buddy the piece(s) of art that you saw in your neighbourhood and find most interesting. You can draw it/them or upload pictures. 

Step 2

Write extracts from the interviews you led and add your own opinion about street art.

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the work.it area.

Create 2 Star

Could you be a street artist?

Create a piece of art that could be street art with your buddy. You can draw, paint, use digital or physical tools.

Reflect StarStar

Think of the street art you have seen. 

What does it say about the artists, the neighbourhood and the people living here? 

If there is no street art, what does it tell you about the city and its inhabitants? 

Share your thoughts with your buddy and make a postcard! 

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.