Welcome to the comic creator team!

Do you want to make your own comic? Learn how to use this interactive, online comic maker by yourself, create comics together and share them with whomever you like!

Warm up Star

Let’s get started!

Discuss with your buddy the following questions:

  1. Do you know what a comic is? If not, ask the people around you! If you do
  2. What are your favourite ones and why? Keep in mind, manga and graphic novels also count!
  3. Where can you borrow comics?

Learn Star

First, let’s go to the website! 

Get a rough overview of what it looks like and how it works. Try the different styles of figures, backgrounds and fonts.

Try out as much as you want until you feel comfortable using this tool!

Dive in 1 Star

Now that you have seen what layouts you could use, discuss with your buddy what they evoke for you.

For example: For me, the serrated bubble is used to tell that a character is shouting. The third character makes me think of a cartoon I used to watch as a child. 

Create Star

Now, let’s get creative! Create your first comic with this tool!

Think together of a story you would like to tell for example to some young children, to people both of you know. Now try to create a short comic around it! Feel free to be as creative as you want! However, make sure your story is built like a typical one with 

  • a proper introduction to the scenario in the beginning
  • a catchy middle part with a twist
  • and a proper ending!

Make sure to screenshot your slides, so you can put them together into one document at the end so that you can share it with everyone you want!

Try not to reproduce any story you already know from movies or similar, but rather tell something you experienced in the past: for example a nice memory you are comfortable sharing with others!

And now: have your comic uploaded in the work.it area!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the work.it area.

Reflect StarStar

That’s it, you’re a real artist now!

How did you like creating your own story, changing layouts, writing texts, developing ideas with your buddy, etc...?

What did you think of your own story and what have you learnt about each other? 

Create your postcard!

Download the free KIDS4ALLL app and your wish comes true!

Download on the App Store     Get it on Google Play

Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.
Browse the postcards created by other buddy teams
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