Act through Art!
Through Art you can express feelings, challenge social norms, and even build the ground for new ones. Illustrations have the power to provoke emotions and even make people feel uncomfortable when truth is exposed. Let’s learn how to use Art to advocate for causes that you are passionate about!
Warm up
Take a look at this image by Kissi Ussuki. Discuss the questions below with your buddy:
- What do you see?
- What social problem do you think this addresses?
- What solution does this offer?
- How does this make you feel?
Artistic activism is a practice that combines the creative power of art to make us feel emotional, and the strategic planning of activism needed to achieve social change.
Discover more in this excerpt of The Creative Playbook
Dive in 1
Together with your buddy, visit the website and select two illustrations that grab your attention. Discuss the following questions:
- What do you see?
- How does this make you feel?
- What social problem do you think this addresses? How does this relate to you?
- What solution does it inspire?
- What is done really well about this illustration?
- What would you do differently?
Dive in 2
Try to think of a piece of art (song, movie, illustration, commercial on TV) that made you think of a relevant social problem. Which one was it? How did it make you feel? What did you like best about it?
Share your answers with your buddy!
Tip: If you don’t remember any, look for social campaigns online and become inspired.
Now select one social cause you are both passionate about and create your own Activist Art! You can either describe it, create a picture or do both – whatever you feel more comfortable doing! Keep in mind the following questions:
- What social problem would you like to address?
- What solution would you want to promote?
- What would your call for action be?
- How would you want to make other people feel?
When you are done, disseminate it among your peers and in the KIDS4ALLL community!
Was this the first time you heard about artistic activism? Would you use this medium in the future to provoke change?
Create a postcard showing your experience using artistic activism.
Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.