Cyberbullying? Get rid of it with your buddy!

This is an activity to learn to distinguish what is cyberbullying, how to recognize a cyber harassment situation, but also to acquire tools to confront it and overcome it. You will work with your buddy discussing different situations, and reach an agreement on how to react and what stances to take in cyberbullying situations.

Warm up StarStar

First of all, let's answer a few questions:

  1. Did someone tag you without your consent?
  2. Has someone uploaded your picture without permission?
  3. Has someone left offensive or degrading comments on your posts or pictures?
  4.  Have you ever felt harassed on social media?
  5. Do you think some of your peers have felt uncomfortable on social media?
  6. How do you tell the difference between a joke and bullying?
  7. Do you know what an upstander is?
  8. Do you know how to be an online upstander?

And now, 3 more questions for you!

Learn Star

Watch the videos and read the texts we propose, and go on to complete the activity!

Dive in 1 Star

Read this short story together and find who is/are the:

  • target
  • bully
  • bystanders
  • upstanders


Then share your ideas on the next two questions:

  • What could you do if you were Sondra? 
  • What could you do if you were one of the people invited to the party? 

Create StarStar

Think of at least one example of cyberbullying and develop strategies on how to react. 

Create together an ad on what cyberbullying is and how to react in case of a particular cyberbullying situation, using the example(s) you thought about. 

You can choose whether to make a spot or a billboard.

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Reflect StarStar

Now, together with your buddy reflect on the following questions:

  • Do you consider you are more able to recognise the feelings of someone who is being bullied?
  • How would you react and behave if you witness or learn your classmate has been cyberbullied?

Make a postcard together!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.