
What is deforestation? What causes it? In this unit, you will see pictures from different biospheres and learn how forests change over long and short-term periods of time, what processes in the ecosystem contribute to deforestation and how humans have affected our forests!

Warm up StarStar

Draw a graphic organiser like this one, or just copy this in your notebook.

Write "Deforestation" in the centre block on the organiser.

Together with your buddy take a look at the interactive cards that show different biospheres here.

What are the factors which lead to deforestation? Document your findings on the organiser under the appropriate header (take a look at the symbols and think how it can be combined).

Learn StarStar

Now, put your organiser aside and let’s find out what deforestation is! Together with your buddy read the text and help each other with words you might not understand.

Dive in 1 StarStar

…Did you find any of your ideas in the text? 

If not, why do you think your answer was not included?

If yes, which ones?

Add to your graphic organiser the factors that contribute to deforestation which you learned from the text. 


Then, review again the interactive cards, choose one of them and explain what the pictures show.

Remember to use some of the words you have read in the text!

Create StarStarStar

Prepare with your buddy an informative poster that will present what deforestation is, focus on one cause and propose one solution!

You can use a real example from an area that you know already or one you would like to know more about!

Tip: The more you visualise the more you will get people’s attention! 

Have it uploaded to the area!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Reflect StarStarStar

How can deforestation be slowed down?

Develop together a creative idea, no matter if realistic or not, and make a postcard!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.