How forests protect our climate

In almost every area of the world there are plants or some sort of flora to find. Depending on the area, there are trees or even forests, tropical ones like the rain forest in Brazil, coniferous forests in northern Europe among others. Find out why they are so crucial for our climate and life on earth!

Warm up Star

First, think about the below questions and share your thoughts with your buddy!

  • When was the last time you have been to a forest, if ever?
  • What did you like most about it?
  • How did it make you feel?

Or, if you prefer, you can go for a more general question:

  • What do you generally associate forests with?


Learn Star

Let’s learn about nature’s CO2-Cycle to understand what deforestation is and how international organisations try to protect the world's forests! Acquiring this knowledge will help you participate in discussions and influence people about this topic!

Have a look at this picture and try to interpret it together…


Dive in 1 StarStar

Even though we know how important trees and soils are, humans still cut down a huge amount of trees every year. This is called deforestation.

Fill in the blanks


Create 1 StarStarStarStar

Time to get active! 

  • Why should the European Union (EU) care about tropical forests in far-flung parts of the world?
  • What do people mean when they talk about the ‘global commons’?
  • Are forests part of the ‘global commons’, like oceans are?
  • If forests are so important, why do people keep cutting them down?

Together with your buddy choose one of these questions and make a contribution of your choice to the area. You may create a mind-map, a podcast, or even a short video. Try to give all the correct and important facts on this topic, so others in our community can become informed!


If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Create 2 Star

There are people who have been known to carry out “tree sitting”. This means sitting on a tree in protest to avoid it getting cut down. 

  • Why are trees so important that such actions are taken?
  • What can you and your friends do to save and protect forests?

Exchange thoughts about this with your buddy!

If you would take such an action, write a report on it and upload it in the area!


Reflect Star

Now, go outside with your buddy and have a look around your neighbourhood. Find a tree you both like and take some pictures of it! Upload them as part of your postcard and share with the community the reasons why you picked this tree and what you liked most about it.

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.