Sustainable housing, sustainable cities!
This is all about the future and thinking of alternative and sustainable ways of housing and construction. Let’s explore some contemporary problems related to housing systems, most especially in cities. Let’s think of ways we can solve these problems by implementing new or different strategies for housing?
Warm up
To get started on this topic, think about different housing styles and discuss this with your buddy.
You may want to share information about your living situation, for example: How many people do you live with? Do you live in a flat or a house? How many rooms are there? Are any rooms shared, and so on. Compare your experiences.
Are there more similarities or differences?
Moving forward: Do you know of any problems that can arise, when trying to find a suitable living space to live in?
In the course of falling birth rates, so called demographic change, especially in industrialised nations, the population as a whole will decrease in the long term, while at the same time the average age will rise.
The declining population will be most noticeable in rural areas, while the cities will continue to grow.
Population growth in cities is accompanied by an increasing demand for space. This means that we must develop innovative solutions for this present problem.
Let’s dive into this!
Dive in 1
As you delve into this topic, have a short discussion with your buddy using the following prompts:
Think of your neighbourhood and of places far away. Think of this in the present and past contexts.
What types of housing systems come to your minds? This relates to: houses, flats, stilt houses, shacks, yurts…; You may also consider the number of rooms; function of the room(s); presence of bathroom(s); presence and dimension of window of these living spaces.
Together with your buddy, write and/or draw a representation of the different forms of housing that come to your mind, on a piece of paper.
Dive in 2
Researching different forms of housing! Carry out some research online on some of the following forms of housing:
Shared apartment, Detached house, Semi-detached house, 2-bedroom flat in the city, Multi-generation house, Co-housing, Shared housing for seniors, Tiny House, Trailer park, Commune, Eco-village.
You can carry out your research using following questions:
What characterises these forms of housing?
How do people live in these situations?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of these housing systems?
Who can afford which one?
Where would one find these particular housing systems?
Why would people choose these different housing systems?
Interview people who live in different forms of housing to acquire even more information. You may want to ask them about what they like most about their housing situation and that which they don’t like?
Dive in 3
Step 1:
Together with your buddy, discuss what consequences this demographic change will have for urban life.
Use this document to see if there is any other information you haven’t thought about
Step 2:
With all this knowledge in mind, develop criteria for the creation of new, sustainable housing. Here are some questions that can help you::
- What kind of housing would be needed?
- What should be taken into account (also in ecological and social terms) in order to create sustainable housing and cities?
Let’s think of our own living situations..
Think of your own area and look it up on a map. If possible, go for a walk and observe the buildings around you, including the empty spaces. What kind of housing is needed in your area? Where and how could sustainable living spaces be increased?
After discussing these questions, choose one building or empty space in your area and draw up a construction/utilisation plan for it. Follow the criteria you developed earlier. Depending on the time and resources you have, you can draw a sketch or build a model to represent your ideas.
Have it uploaded in the area!
Finally, discuss with your buddy what kinds of alternative housing you like the most and why. How would you like to live today? What if you were older and in your 70's?
Create a postcard presenting the housing style you created and have it uploaded!