Chatting and red flags

Having conversations online, without nonverbal cues or being able to see people, can be awkward and sometimes even risky… with drawbacks from simple misunderstandings to manipulation or inappropriate messages. Let’s see how best to navigate online and avoid these situations before you go too far!

Warm up Star

Exchange with your buddy about what you usually share through digital media: text messages, social media, messaging apps, etc. 

How much of the real it comes through? 

How is what you communicate through digital media different from what you would say face-to-face?

Learn Star

Most people present a self online that is somewhat different from how they are in real life. They might be more or less shy online or more or less casual. Most of the time these differences are not a big deal. However, when there are really big differences between someone's online self and who they are in real life, that can lead to risky situations.

Think about how the chat messages in the video are misleading. This video shows an example of a very dangerous kind of online chatting called grooming, which is when someone older uses chatting or messaging to befriend and manipulate a child or teenager into an in-person meeting for the purpose of sexual abuse or sex trafficking.

Watch the video together and discuss with your buddy the feelings, doubts and concerns that come up. 

Sexual abuse = any sexual activity that occurs without consent

Sex trafficking = children and young people are tricked, forced or persuaded to leave their homes and are moved or transported and then exploited, forced to work or sold.

Dive in 1 Star

Create a dialogue together between two people online who have never met each other.

One is acting fake and pretending to be a person they are not.


Then check out the Feelings and Options handout and evaluate your chat messages: how are they misleading?  Link the information in the handout to the dialogue you created and list the phrases which are fake and that we have to be careful of. 

Create 1 Star

Work with your buddy and create a list of red flags which may come up in a conversation with someone.  


Now think with your buddy how you could react. 

Prepare a poster to raise awareness about red flags and reactions!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Create 2 Star

Imagine you and your buddy have a friend who is telling you about conversations they are having with someone which you find concerning. How would you be able to help them? Put your heads together to think of a strategy. Together with your buddy, write a letter/email/message to your friend to voice your joint concerns.

Reflect Star

Review the work you have done and the reflections you have shared. What don’t you want to forget? 

Make a postcard together with your answers!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.