The magic of culture

Have you ever thought that culture could be something completely different from what you expected?

By watching a video and reading about Beibei’s experience in school, we will discover how we can understand culture and what it means for us when meeting people.

Warm up StarStar

Read the short story about Beibei’s experience:

"Beibei is new in your class. She introduces herself to the class and one student comments: ‘Nice to meet you, where do you come from?’ Beibei answers: ‘From Munich’ which is a city in the far south of Germany. The student continues: ‘But where do you really come from?’. ‘From South Bavaria’ is her reply indicating the region in the south of Germany where Munich is. And in fact, this is the region where Beibei was born."

After you read the text, answer the following questions together with your buddy:

  • Why do you think the student double-checks Beibei’s origin?
  • How might Beibei feel when one asks “But where do you really come from?”

If you feel comfortable, you can share your personal experience:

  • Have you ever experienced a situation like the one of Beibei?
  • If so, how did you feel?

Learn Star

What culture can be…

Watch this short video!

Dive in 1 StarStar

After watching this video, how would you define culture? 

Could you recognize yourself in some of the groups mentioned in the video?

What groups (collectives) do you feel you belong to?

Share your thoughts with your buddy. Done? 

Then, now, find three unexpected common points with your buddy!


Dive in 2 StarStar

Does the place where you come from really make you so different from the ones who come from other places and identical to those who come from your same place?

Go through the interactive presentation, take your time, and … get new perspectives on culture and identity!

Have fun!

Create StarStar

After all this information about culture and diversity, create a funny comic strip in which you show that statements referring to groups, such as, “the Italians, the Europeans, the Catholics, the migrants, the children… “ are too general to be true!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Reflect StarStar

Take a picture of something that represents or makes you think of your own cultures and explain why. Have a look at the pictures of your buddy and exchange your ideas. 

Use these ideas and pictures to create a postcard!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.