Handball and other sports

Dina is 14 years old. She has left all her friends in France to move to Norway with her dad. This unit is about handball, her passion, and all sports which you like to play and/or watch!

Warm up StarStar

Each of you gets a pen and a piece of paper. Prepare three columns and set the timer:

You have 3 minutes (set a timer) to write down

  • In the 1st column: all sports you know how to play 
  • In the 2nd column: all sports you like (beyond those in the 1st column)
  • In the 3rd column: all sports you have heard about (beyond those in the 2nd and 3rd column)


Share with your buddy your results: which answers are alike and which differ? 

In case one of you has written down sports that the other doesn’t know, explain them to each other and look for some videos of them online!

And now have a guess:

Learn Star

Read Dina's short story! Do it together and take turns reading out loud the story, help each other in understanding the words and terms, if necessary!

Dive in 1 Star

Follow the next 3 steps:

Step 1

Go through the text together and highlight in different colours: the nouns; the adjectives; the adverbs; the articles; the verbs; the prepositions.

Step 2

Check with your buddy if you understood the text in the same way:

1) Why does Dina like handball?

2) How fit do you need to be to play handball? 

3) How can Dina get injured playing handball? 

4) Why does Dina want to be good at playing handball?

Step 3

Compare Dina’s experience with yours. How do you differ from Dina and what do you have in common? 


  • Do you know/like handball?
  • Do you like tough sports?
  • Have you already gotten injured by doing sport?
  • Do you (aim to) play in local, regional, national or international competitions?

Share your experience with your buddy.

Dive in 2 StarStar

Watch this video or look at the presentation!

Sport has even more benefits. Look at this!

If you do/have done sport regularly: did you notice some of these benefits? 

Sport is so important! Why do you think that many people don’t do it? Think of people you know and brainstorm together and list all the possible reasons which come to your mind. 

Tip: just write a key-word for every idea. 


Now, for each barrier which prevents people from doing sport, think of one or more strategies to overcome it. Write it besides that barrier.


At the end see if you can realize any of your ideas and motivate someone you know (maybe even: yourself?) to practice a sport. Share your thoughts with your buddy & develop a plan!

Create StarStar

Choose a sport you are both interested in. Maybe you know a sport that not everybody else knows? 

  • Think of all the technical terms you need to know in order to describe the equipment needed, the space/field in which it takes place, the techniques and rules for playing it…
  • Write them down and organise them in categories. Visualize what you are describing: you can draw it yourself or use free available pictures.
  • Integrate what you have done with further information you might find on specialised internet sites.

Upload your sport vocabulary-entry in the work.it area!

If you are a plurilingual buddy-team, feel free to do a bi- or multilingual version of your entry!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the work.it area.

Reflect StarStarStar

Become sports-reporters! 

  • Search the Internet for games/ competitions of the sport you chose above. Listen to the reporters commenting on it. How do they describe what the athletes are doing? 
  • What words do they use? How often do they talk? What kind of comments do they make? What is the tone of their voice? What is their style? Are they impartial?...
  • Write down notes and get ready to be the reporter yourself! Choose together a video of a game/competition and let it play silently. Comment yourself about what is happening in the video. In the beginning, it will be difficult and embarrassing but after a while, it can become very fun! 

Tip: do it as a reporter-team, so you can support each other! 


*** If you have different first languages: watch together some minutes of recorded games/competitions in your languages. You might even find the same game, though commented in your different languages! 

Can you observe similarities and differences between the reporter styles? ***


Reflect on your relationship with sports. What is the challenge you face and how do you want to cope with it? 

(E.g. I should start to do sport; I should do sport more regularly; I don’t really like the sport I do; I am training too hard; I feel too much pressure to be good.)

Share your thoughts with your buddy and make a postcard together!

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