Urban Heat Island

Urban Heat Island: What is it and how does it affect our lives? Think of ideas to create your city with your buddy and design its future together!

Warm up StarStar

Let’s start!

Have a look at the graph with your buddy and answer the following questions together:

Learn StarStarStar

Now let’s understand why this is happening!

Read the following text out loud and have a look at the pictures together with your buddy.

Try to help each other by suggesting words which you might not know!

Dive in 1 StarStar

Well done! Now, let’s take a look at the Nasa Earth Observatory Image and answer the following questions:

  1. Describe this map: what do you think the colours represent? What kind of places do you think are being represented? What could this mean? 
  2. Explain this map by using some of the words that you learnt after reading all about urban heat islands, the energy budget, and the albedo!

Dive in 2 StarStar

That wasn't difficult, right? Now that you have understood this phenomenon, let’s move on to think about your own city/area! 

Step 1

Find a map of the city/area you live in with your buddy (try to find it online or ask your teacher/educator to assist you). 

Step 2

Mark the places on this map which you think have higher or lower temperatures. 

Step 3

Explain the reasons for your choice of places in a short write up. If possible try to use the new terms that you have learnt (for example: urban heat islands, albedo, energy budget, energy balance, urban, suburban, rural area).

Dive in 3 StarStar

Now it’s time to be the advocate of your city/area!

Find ways to reduce the temperature of your city/area. What can be done? With your buddy create a storyboard including pictures, drawings and text to express your ideas. 

Try to find at least 3 ideas! 

Tip: If you want, combine your storyboard with those of other buddy teams and compare your ideas!

Create 1 StarStar

Now that you are aware of the urban heat islands and you have found ways to reduce the temperature in your city/area, it’s time to share your knowledge and raise awareness! 

Create small flyers that give a brief explanation of the problem (1-2 sentences) and propose a couple of solutions!

Remember: A flyer is an attractive and brief method to promote an idea - so make it fun! 

Have your flyer uploaded to the work.it area to share your ideas with the KIDS4ALLL community!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the work.it area.

Create 2 StarStar

How can you collaborate with your school, youth centre or organisation to create some initiatives which may create small changes in your city or your neighbourhood for the better? In the next few weeks try to think of how you could implement change by transforming one of your ideas into action.

Reflect Star

What would your city/area look like, if you could implement the changes you proposed?

Create a postcard that shows these changes and have it uploaded!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.