Do you know what I mean?

Did it ever happen to you to say something in the wrong way and the other person got annoyed with you? Communication is complicated, though also unavoidable! “You cannot not communicate” postulated Watzlawick. So, better understand what and how communication works!

Warm up StarStar

Imagine: you both are walking together and you hear a 15 years old guy saying to a guy next to him:

“I am hungry”

Learn StarStarStar

That’s right, communication is much more than just words! 

Look at this scheme!

Dive in 1 Star

Now it’s your turn! 

Say something to your buddy, for example: “What time is it?” and do it in very different ways, like:

  • various tones of voice and volume
  • different facial expressions
  • (not) looking each other in the eyes
  • pushing your shoulder to the back or to the front

Do it both of you with different sentences and speak about the effect the different versions have on you both!

Have a fun time together!

Dive in 2 StarStar

And now let’s check the news!

Step 1

Find out what newspapers are sold in your country.

Step 2

Choose one of them and go to its website. 

Step 3

Choose one of the most important pieces of news. 

Step 4

Read carefully the title and observe together the words in there. 

  • What picture do they give you of reality?
  • Do they provoke feelings in you? 

Step 5

If it has a picture, what does it show? What not? What do you feel looking at it? 

Now write down what you think the article is telling you.


Congratulations! You can now have fun comparing it with the same piece of news in other newspapers!

What do you observe?

Create 1 StarStarStar

And now it’s time to debate! 

  1. Think of a topic you want to discuss. Click here if you need some ideas.
  2. Decide who of you will argue in favour and who in contrary, or discuss together against another buddy-team. 
  3. Get prepared:
  4. And go for it! Set the timer and discuss for at least 5 minutes!
If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Create 2 StarStar

Now that you argued about a topic, you know quite a lot about it! So use your skills to increase awareness about a topic which is important for both of you! 

In order to do so prepare a flyer with:

  • an engaging title
  • a well chosen picture
  • all information you need to make your point!

Reflect Star

You are now quite an expert of communication.

What do you see that you didn’t see before? 

Share your thoughts and create together a postcard!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.