
How to let the others see your point of view without getting angry? Learn the DOes and DON’Ts of online communication and try them out! You will become an expert of disagreeing with people and sending messages without hurting people!

Warm up StarStar

Be sincere and share your experiences with your buddy.

Step 1

Have you ever been offended by a message?

What offended you: the content, the form/way it was written, or both? 

Step 2

Have you ever expressed disagreement online about something someone said or did? 

If yes, did you succeed in not offending the other? 

Step 3

Have you ever regretted writing a message? 

Step 4

Write at least 3 tips together on how to write a message that can help the other to see your point.

Learn Star

Trolls are people who want to feel powerful and intentionally try to instigate conflict, hostility, or arguments online. They give stupid and mean comments and point out things which usually aren’t even relevant. And you? Just don’t react to them… but do you know how not to be a troll yourself? 

Do you know the Netiquette = Net + Etiquette = how to behave properly online?

Check if you know the most important rules for good posting:

Dive in 1 StarStar

Now that you have discussed the careful way to post messages, try it in practice!

Step 1: Write an e-mail of disagreement to your teachers.

Step 2: Write a post of disagreement on a forum or on social media.

Step 3: Write a whatsapp of disagreement to a friend. 

Step 4: Write a message of disagreement in a group chat.

Challenge: Your buddy and you must agree on every aspect of the written messages.

Important: The other person can be invented. If they are real: no, you don’t need to send your message!


Discuss with your buddy which of the written messages was 

  • the easiest to write? Why?
  • the most difficult? Why?
  • the funniest?

Create Star

Now that you have learnt about writing different messages, make your Netiquette guidelines:

What are DO’s and DON’Ts of online communication? 

Step 1: Make a brainstorming session with your buddy.

Step 2: Make a presentation or a video together either on one of them or on the whole list!

Tip: If other buddy-teams are working on the same unit: share your points so that you make sure that you don’t forget anything important!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Reflect StarStar

What is the same and what is different while expressing disagreement in person and online?

Share your ideas and make a postcard!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.