Real, fake and stolen identities

When you meet people on the street you know they are real and they know you are real. But how is it online? 

In this unit you will work on your online-identity and become a professional detective of fake accounts!

And… by the way, who are you online / who can you be? And what does it actually mean to "be oneself" or to "be real"? 

Let’s explore why some people create different or alternate personas for themselves on social media and let’s learn how to detect them! 

Warm up Star

Do you have any social media accounts? 

If not, why not? 

If yes

  • How do you present yourself? (With real name and real pictures? What image do you try to give of yourself?) 
  • Do you have any fake identity? Why?

Share your answers with your buddy!

Learn StarStar

Have a great time going through the presentation “Don’t feed the Phish!” and answering the questions asked there.

Dive in 1 StarStar

How can you recognize a fake account on social media? 

Brainstorm together and write down all of your ideas! 


Then check if there are ideas here you haven’t had yet!

Dive in 2 StarStar

What reasons do people have for creating and using fake social media accounts (e.g., finstas (Fake Instagram Accounts))? 

Make a brainstorming: write down all your ideas!


Have a look at these three examples: here

Did the examples give you further ideas about the reasons why people might have a finsta?

If yes, add them to your list!

Create Star

What are possible positive (+) and negative (-) impacts of a finsta account for the one who has it and for the others with a finsta account? 

Discuss respectfully, giving examples to support your ideas and give direct responses to the arguments made by your buddy. 

Capture your ideas on a common digital sheet or on a sheet of paper below a big + (left) and a big - (right) and have it uploaded on the area!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the area.

Reflect StarStar

If you have a social media account, review your account(s): the data you give about yourself, the image you give of yourself and the messages you post.

Do you feel good about them or what does it feel wrong? 

If you don’t have a social media account, what are the advantages of having no social media account?

Share your answers and make a postcard together!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.