Who's behind the screen?

Have you ever wondered about what really is behind the net? Through this unit you and your buddy will understand the dangers of the Internet through the analysis of an open-ended film and the identification of a possible ending.

Warm up Star

Discuss the following questions with your buddy!

  • Have you ever met someone online? 
  • Have you met them in person?
  • Did it meet your expectations?
  • Have you ever lied online?

Learn Star

Watch the video together with your buddy!

Dive in 1 StarStar

Now that you saw the video, share your thoughts and feelings about it with your buddy!


Step 1: Come up with at least one alternative ending together! Write it down: identify at first the point in which you start your new ending and describe it.

Step 2: Find other buddy teams and present each other your alternative ending to the video! 

Step 3: Listen to all the endings the other buddy teams came up with and choose the most interesting or entertaining together!

Create StarStar

Step 1: Create a description of the ending you have chosen with your buddy! 

Step 2: Transform your description into a storyboard!

Step 3: Now that you have written the description of your ending, it’s time to get creative! Become actors yourself. Recite or narrate it in a video!

If you want your content to be in the KIDS4ALLL gallery, please ask your educator to upload it in the work.it area.

Reflect Star

Discuss the following questions with your buddy!

  • Was it difficult to write the ending?
  • If so, why was it complicated?
  • How did you feel during this activity?

Make a postcard together!

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Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.
Browse the postcards created by other buddy teams
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