The Greenhouse Effect
What does the world have in common with a greenhouse in a garden? The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon which is responsible for our climate on earth. But through human impact it is one of the main reasons for climate change today. This unit will guide you through activities, such as an experiment, to build your knowledge on this topic as one of the main challenges humanity faces in the 21st century!
Warm up
Look at this picture with your buddy – what do you see? What do you think this image has to do with climate change? Share your thoughts! (CC BY 3.0 by D. Reichardt)
Earth’s climate has changed throughout history, gradually getting hotter or colder for long periods of time.
These changes were the result of natural causes. However, the changes we are seeing today are different − and we are responsible for them! By releasing more of the gases that trap heat into the atmosphere, we are causing the temperature on Earth to rise at an extraordinary rate.
Check it out
Now, together with your buddy, conduct this experiment.
While conducting this experiment, document what you are doing exactly. Either draw pictures, film yourself, record your steps or similar. In the end, your output should be a kind of guide or step by step plan for this or a similar experiment, so others are able to repeat this experiment without using the worksheet.
Have these guidelines uploaded in the area.
Now that you have learnt what greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect are, how does this knowledge make you feel? Have you ever been aware of the effects of emissions on our climate? Share your thoughts with your buddy.
Make a postcard together!
Ask your educator to login and share your postcard with the KIDS4ALLL community.